姓 名:姚碧霂
性 别:男
籍 贯:江苏
工作部门:中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 物理室
(其中2015.08~2017.08,University of Manitoba, 访问学者)
PRL、PRB、Nature Communications、IEEE、APL等期刊审稿人。
以第一或通讯作者在Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications等高影响因子学术期刊上发表多篇高质量论文, 被引用900余次。研究成果获得国内外同行专家好评。
1. Bimu Yao, Y. S. Gui, J.W. Rao, S. Kaur, X.S. Chen, W. Lu*, Y. Xiao, H. Guo, K.-P. Marzlin & C.M. Hu*: "Cooperative polariton dynamics in feedback-coupled cavities", Nature Communications 8, 1437 (2017).
2. J.W. Rao, S. Kaur, Bimu Yao*, E.R.J. Edwards, Y.T. Zhao, Xiaolong Fan, Desheng Xue, T.J. Silva, Y.S. Gui & C.-M. Hu*: "Analogue of dynamic Hall effect in cavity magnon polariton system and coherently controlled logic device", Nature Communications 10, 2934 (2019), 编辑推荐。
3. J. W. Rao, P. C. Xu, Y. S. Gui, Y. P. Wang, Y. Yang, Bimu Yao*, J. Dietrich, G. E. Bridges, X. L. Fan, D. S. Xue & C.-M. Hu*: "Interferometric control of magnon-induced nearly perfect absorption in cavity magnonics", Nature Communications 12, 1933 (2021).
4. Bimu Yao, Tao Yu*, Xiang Zhang, Wei Lu, Yongsheng Gui, Can-Ming Hu, and Yaroslav M. Blanter, "The microscopic origin of magnon-photon level attraction by traveling waves: Theory and experiment" Phys. Rev. B 100, 214426 (2019)
5. Bimu Yao, Tao Yu*, Y. S. Gui, J. W. Rao, Y. T. Zhao, W. Lu* & C.-M. Hu*: "Coherent control of magnon radiative damping with local photon states", Communications Physics 2, 161 (2019)
6. P.Hyde, Bimu Yao*, Y.S.Gui, Guo-Qiang Zhang, J.Q.You, and C.-M.Hu*: "Direct measurement of foldover in cavity magnon-polariton systems", PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 174423 (2018)
7. M. Harder, Y. Yang, Bimu Yao, C.H. Yu, J.W. Rao, Y.S. Gui, R.L. Stamps, and C.-M. Hu*: "Level Attraction Due to Dissipative Magnon-Photon Coupling", Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 137203 (2018), 编辑推荐。
8. Bimu Yao*, Y. S. Gui, Y. Xiao, H. Guo, X. S. Chen, W. Lu, C. L. Chien, C.-M. Hu: "Theory and experiment on cavity magnon-polariton in the one-dimensional configuration", Phys. Rev. B, 92, 184407 (2015).
9. Bimu Yao*, Y. S. Gui, Y. Xiao, H. Guo, X. S. Chen, W. Lu, C. L. Chien, C.-M. Hu: "Theory and experiment on cavity magnon-polariton in the one-dimensional configuration", Phys. Rev. B, 92, 184407 (2015).
10. Bimu Yao*, Y. S. Gui, Y. Xiao, H. Guo, X. S. Chen, W. Lu, C. L. Chien, C.-M. Hu: "Theory and experiment on cavity magnon-polariton in the one-dimensional configuration", Phys. Rev. B, 92, 184407 (2015).
11. Bimu Yao*, Y. S. Gui, Y. Xiao, H. Guo, X. S. Chen, W. Lu, C. L. Chien, C.-M. Hu: "Theory and experiment on cavity magnon-polariton in the one-dimensional configuration", Phys. Rev. B, 92, 184407 (2015).